
April 5, 2012

Daily Ground-Up: Slackers Edition

20 Favorite Perennial Flowers

garden articles

These unfussy, long-lived plants pump out beautiful foliage and flowers year after year. Plant in fall or spring when cooler temperatures help them get a healthy start…Read More

Via @SunsetMag

Even Slackers can Have Great Lawns

gardening articles

If you like to have a nice lawn, but don’t like doing the work, apparently you are in the majority.  Consumer Reports did a survey that showed most people would rather be doing something other than lawn care.  Based on these results, they provided some tips to help you cut down the time you spend maintaining your lawn...Read More

Via @SafeGreenLawns

Gardening by the App

garden articles

MANY gardeners may prefer digging in the dirt to fiddling with a mobile device. But an increasing number of gardening apps now available might change that attitude, by helping with tasks like designing plots and choosing crops, and perhaps improving yields...Read More

Via New York Times

Watering Can Garden Art How-Tos

gardening articles

I'm very fond of metal watering cans as garden accents. People throw them out when they get holes in the bottom and that's when I take them home and dress them up for the garden...Read More

Via @empressofdirt

Keeping Your Easter lilies in Bloom

garden articles

Along with chocolate bunnies and pastel marshmallow Peeps, Easter lilies are a perennial holiday tradition, albeit not an edible one...Read More

Via @ClevelandDotCom

The Garden Life: Gardening also transforming for the gardener

gardening articles

For most of us, gardening is not the daily work we do that puts money in our pockets. We work for a living and garden before or after. It’s interesting that during the time we spend working in the garden, the word “work” takes on a different meaning. In this sense, we lose any feeling of drudgery. We put our heart into the effort...Read More

Via The Columbian

Gardeners need a sense of humus

garden articles

Let’s pay homage to humus. As the garden gets into full swing, it’s a good time for such tribute, because enthusiasm can be parlayed into action...Read More

Via Lee Reich

Help Earth Day Reach a 'Billion Acts of Green'

gardening articles

Join a billion people around the world participating in Mobilize the Earth as part of the Earth Day celebration this April 22. The event calls on all of us to stand up on behalf of the planet and demand its protection. A Billion Acts of Green is an Earth Day Campaign aimed at collecting pledges of small gestures that individuals can make to be more earth friendly that together make a big impact...Read More

Via TreeHugger

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