
April 11, 2012

How to Grow Watermelons

A watermelon is a highly nutritious fruit. Aside from this, people love it for its sugary sweet taste and appetizing red color. A great source of important vitamins and minerals indeed, people can enjoy these numerous benefits by learning how to grow watermelons. Furthermore, this particular project can also earn them additional income.

Materials Needed

Learning how to grow watermelons is much easier when all the right materials are at place. Before moving on with the actual process of planting and growing such fruit, it is best to bring in all the proper equipment to finish the job. These include floating row covers, fertilizers and compost makers. In addition, bring in mulch, garden hoses and trowels. Of course, do not forget to bring the watermelon plants, mulch and shovel.


Location is very important for this job. First, find a site where the sun shines fully in the morning. It is best to find a place that is free from cold and chilly winds, especially during spring or fall. Good air circulation is also a very important factor that is perfect for growing watermelons.
Before planting, make sure that the soil has lots of organic matter. It must be fertile, sandy and light, which are qualities of soil that is free from water but has sufficient moisture in it. The recommended soil acidity is 5.5 or lower. Beyond that, the plants will die. Make sure that the temperatures of the soil and air are somewhere around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dig holes approximately one foot deep and a couple of feet in diameter each. Before putting the plant right into the hole, add first at least one full shovel of compost. In exchange for this, people can also use at least a couple of trowels of bone meal, which is a guaranteed safe and efficient organic fertilizer. After that, cover the plants with soil up to the very same level as they were once planted in pots. Use compost tea to water the plants.
Spacing is also crucial in the success of this task. One plant must be at least 3 to 12 feet apart from the others. To retain more moisture, continue to add organic mulch time after time as the plants continue to grow. Furthermore, remove the weeds and clean the fruits regularly. Use floating row covers to maintain warm air for the plants. Of course, do not forget to water them.
When the flowers start to appear, take off the covers. This will allow insects and bees to pollinate them. Use compost tea to fertilize the plants at least once in three weeks. A month and five days later after the plants bloom, the watermelons are now ready for picking.
For more information on growing, read Growing Watermelons and Growing Poppies.

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