
April 6, 2012

Today's Ground-Up: Rabbits, Berries, Dogs, and Eggs

Lawn's Got Bare Spots? Time to Seed

garden articles

Success with lawn revi­tal­i­sa­tion starts with soil prepa­ra­tion. Sowing grass seed onto hard, dry, packed-down earth just won’t do. Follow these steps for best results...Read More

Via @fiestafarms

Cast Iron Garden Pieces are Good Finds

gardening articles

If you don't already have rabbits hopping around your garden, you might want to buy an antique garden rabbit to fool your friends...Read More

Via Connecticut Post

Gardening: The water we need to feed our lawns

garden articles

It’s spring and we need rain. This much needed water would help to refresh our drought stricken lawns and gardens. It would also activate the fertilizer applied this spring which will add strength to help them better survive the rest of the dry season...Read More

Via Marco News

Master gardeners sale starts today

gardening articles

If sprucing up your outdoor living space is on your "to-do" list, then jump in your car and head on over to the Hall County Spring Plant Expo...Read More

Via Gainseville Times

A Dog Friendly Landscape

garden articles

Planning a dog friendly landscape goes together with training a garden friendly dog — for yourself, and for others...Read More

Via Marianne Binetti

Frozen Berries may contain Hepatitis A

gardening articles

The BC Centre for Disease Control is investigating eight cases of Hepititis A that could be linked to the berries, which are sold at Save-On-Foods, Overwaitea and PriceSmart...Read More

Via News 1130

Perfect Poached Eggs

garden articles

Poaching eggs can really get a home cook down. There are so many factors to consider -- vinegar or no vinegar? Deep pot or shallow pan? And sometimes, as careful as you are, they just don't turn out...Read More

Via Food52

5 Neat Native Plants

gardening articles

Native plants have many advantages over exotic plants. I thought for today's Friday Fives Post I would mention five native plants that are pretty neat to have in your garden...Read More

Via @THGarden

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