
October 3, 2012

How to Save Water in Your Yard

In many areas of the country, water shortages and rationing are becoming common place during dry seasons. Even in areas that are relatively unaffected by such issues, homeowners may be noticing that their water rates are increasing periodically. As a homeowner, maintaining your yard with lush vegetation is a necessity. The appeal of your landscaping can affect your home’s property value, and a beautifully landscaped yard may be a requirement from your homeowner’s association. To maintain your yard, however, a significant amount of water may be required. While all vegetation will indeed require ample water to thrive, there are some steps that you can take to conserve water in your yard.

Plant Native Vegetation
One of the most important steps that you can take to save water in your yard is to choose native vegetation rather than import non-native species into your yard. Native plants are accustomed to surviving and even thriving in the existing climate, and they will be heartier to drought conditions and periods of low rainfall. You can choose to install native grass, bushes, shrubs and more to save water and keep your yard looking great.

Learn How to Water Effectively
Many homeowners make use of a sprinkler system with a programmable feature. While convenient, such systems can waste water. You may be watering your yard before it needs it or after a rainfall event. You may be watering shady areas that will stay damp longer after watering or rain just as frequently as you are watering areas that experience full-sun conditions. You can turn off the programmable feature and only water your yard as needed to save water. In addition, you should water at peak times, such as very early in the morning or later in the evening. Also, avoid watering when it is exceptionally windy out. Sunny and windy weather can minimize the effects of watering.

Install Rain Barrels
Rain barrels can be placed at the downspouts of your gutter system to collect and store rain that falls on your roof. A hose then can be connected to the rain barrels later during dry spells, and you can water your yard with free rain water. Keep in mind that the larger or more numerous rain barrels you utilize, the greater the benefits are to you and your yard.

These simple tips can help you to maintain a healthy, lush yard with beautiful landscaping while still conserving water. Start implementing these steps today for immediate benefits

Author Bio:
Joel Hunter is a popular blogger who enjoys writing and reading classic pieces of literature. He is currently promoting special offers at

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