
December 14, 2012

It's All in the Soil

There is a dangerous marketing myth going around that the perfect lawn comes in a bottle, bag, or both. Lawn revivers are falling victim again and again for misleading lawn care products that promise a full, luscious, healthy green lawn. Well, it's time you knew the truth about lawn care – it's not about the fertilizer or the weed killer or the revival chemicals. It's all about the soil.

Soil is the foundation of a healthy lawn. Adding fertilizers and chemicals maybe work as a temporary treatment; however, you will never obtain a truly healthy lawn through topical chemicals. In order to have a truly healthy lawn from the roots to the blades, you need to treat the source: the soil. When the soil is appropriately treated, you no longer have to rely on topical chemicals and fertilizers. When you treat the soil, you can finally have a chemical free, naturally beautiful lawn.

So now you're thinking, what can possibly be wrong with my soil? Your soil may not necessarily be bad soil; however, it may need to be properly balanced in order to support healthy growth of your lawn. There is a lot more that goes into healthy soil than the average person is aware of, and your soil may need more treatment than you think, especially if you've been pumping fertilizers and chemicals into it all these years. In some cases, the soil under your lawn is just not conducive to the type of grass you are trying to grow; not to worry, soil treatments can balance any soil in order to support a beautiful lawn. Soil treatments may include but are not limited to balance of soil mineral content, degradation of harmful chemicals and wastes by microbes, and even application of treatment to promote growth and protection of your grass.

If you want a truly healthy lawn, maybe it’s time you looked into some type of soil treatment. Not every lawn has the same needs, so before you start adding chemicals and fertilizers that advertise their lawn revival abilities, know that you can have a beautiful lawn just by treating the soil.

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