
February 1, 2013

Appropriate Plants for Your Home

Outdoor plants must be given special care if you want them to grow healthy, full, and beautiful. That being said, some plants require more attention than others, and some will seem to grow naturally while others may seem impossible to keep alive. If you want a beautiful, easy-to-manage yard full of blooming plant species, make sure you follow these guidelines in order to choose the most appropriate plants. 

Shade vs. Sun – As much as you love hibiscus plants, is there a spot in your yard that will support the full sunlight perennial? Before you start picking and choosing your plant species, you need to know what areas of your yard receive direct or partial sun and which areas are mostly shaded. Each plant should be exposed to the appropriate amount of sunlight, as too much or too little could make it difficult to keep them alive. 

Temperature – It is important to understand which plants thrive during the spring, which bloom in the summer, and which do best in the fall. Familiarize yourself with the ideal temperature of each plant species you are interested in. If you’re on the hunt for plants that will bloom and thrive during the summer months, make sure the plants you choose are suited for summer temperatures.

Dependability – Even if you pick wisely, some plants will require a bit more tender loving care than others. If you have time to spend in the garden, this may not have any effect on you. However, if you live a busy lifestyle and don’t have time for daily plant tending, make sure you stick with species that require less maintenance. Through this process you should also explore the best watering methods for each plant. Can you use your current sprinkler system to water them all? Consider all special needs of desired plants 

Climate – It’s time to face the facts: some plants will never thrive in your regional climate zone. Before you waste you money on a species that is not suited for your region, check to see what climate the species thrives in. If the plant is not native to your region, it is smart to first do your research to see if anyone in your area has had any luck growing them. This will save you time and money.

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