
March 16, 2013

Spring Gardening – It’s Time

Spring is right around the corner, and we’re excited to get back in the garden. Are you ready for springtime garden prep? For those of you who are new gardeners and don’t know how to prepare your garden for springtime, not to worry, as these steps will help you and your yard say goodbye to winter and welcome summer with open arms.
Trim and Divide Perennials – As the days grow longer and warmer, your perennial plants will come out of dormancy and begin to grow. Before this happens, you want to make sure you set them up with the best growing conditions possible. First, make sure you prune all plants before new buds have a chance to develop. Pruning stimulates growth and will help your plant thrive. Second, split up perennials that are competing for space. Dividing individuals will help them grow tall, since they won't have to compete for water and nutrients. 

Winter Mulch – In the fall, many gardeners like to cover the ground around perennials with a thick layer of mulch. This helps insulate the ground and protect the root system from frost. Once spring arrives and your plants come out of dormancy, pull away this layer of mulch. Don’t throw it away though; if there is an unseasonably late chill, you’ll want to have it handy to protect your exposed plants.

Plant Cool Annuals – Spring is a finicky season. One day it feels like summer, and the next you’re sure snow is in the forecast. In order to prevent garden casualties due to weather inconsistency, plant cool weather annuals in your garden first. Annuals that favor cool weather are perfect for early spring because they can tolerate the frost. As spring turns into summer, replace your early spring annuals with summer-loving annuals that thrive in the heat. 

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