
June 28, 2013

Protect Your Lawn From the Heat

Summer is in full swing, and you've noticed that the hot summer sun and backyard activities are starting to take a toll on your lawn. No worries; you can protect your lawn from summer abuse by following a few helpful tips; here they are!

Mulch – If you have flower beds or rock gardens at the edge of your lawn, make sure you use plenty of mulch to seal in those edges. The hot sun will cause the soil to lose its moisture, especially near the edges where the soil is less protected by the grass. In order to keep the edges of your lawn from drying out, keep them lined with mulch. Mulch is a great insulator and can protect the soil from losing precious nutrients.

Sprinkler Timer – During the summer, it is crucial that your plants get an adequate amount of water to keep their cells hydrated. You’ll know if your grass is dehydrated, because it will start turning a hint of blue, and it won’t bounce back as easily when you step on it, since the cell walls will have lost their rigidity. You don’t want to accidentally forget to water your lawn, so invest in an automatic sprinkler system. If you already have a sprinkler system, you can simply attach a timer to your spigot. After you've done this, you don’t have to worry about your lawn going thirsty.

Keep Pets Away – As difficult as this may seem, it is incredibly important to keep doggies from doing their do on the lawn. When dogs urinate on the lawn, especially in the same spot, their urine can actually kill the grass. Do you have brown, dead spots appearing in your grass in seemingly random places? This is from Fido.

Don’t Over Fertilize – Fertilizer is good, right? Well, yes, but in moderation. If you over fertilize your lawn, you can actually kill it. You’ll get brown dead spots, similar to the ones Fido is creating, when you over fertilize your lawn. Only fertilize once or twice a year. 

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